kennel Crazy's Irländsk Röd Setter

Crazy's Tilda
född 25:e augusti 1988

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Crazy's D-kull 1991, e. Tintinna Skylark
Crazy's G-kull 1993, e. Red Tails Vi'Ceroy
Crazy's L-kull 1995, e. LP Copper's All Over the Place
Crazy's N-kull 1995, e. Copper's Man In Command

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Sowerhill Sailor of Wendover

Wendover Renegade

Wendover Grandee

Wendover Country Girl

Sowerhill Sarah

Stephenshill Gamebird

Sowerhill Samantha

Crazy's Natasja

Bonbons Irish Like Your Stile

Bonbons Irish Extreme Duke

Bonbons Irish Forget-Me-Not

Crazy's Frida

Dino of Wendover

Crazy's Biancka


Samtliga foton © kennel Crazy's, om annat ej anges. Grafik, layout, html & php Lena Årgard  © 2002-2008